Practical support is logistical assistance for people seeking abortion care. Our practical support program includes flights, hotel stays, bus tickets, and ride shares – as well as direct cash assistance for gas, food, childcare expenses, menstrual products, medication, rental car fees, and other surprise expenses that may arise while a client is traveling for their abortion. We also support companion travel for minors, clients who must travel with children, and clients with limited English proficiency.
Anti-abortion legislation affects us all differently. Factors like race, age, income, disability, status, gender identity, and sexual orientation all figure into abortion access—or obstacles to abortion access. This is why we say reproductive justice is intersectional. At Fund Texas Choice, we work to mitigate disparities with the client’s personal circumstances and experiences in mind. We aim to provide case-by-case, human services drawn from justice-centered values.
“I am forever thankful. Without your help, I wouldn’t have been able to get to my appointment or have a place to sleep while I was there.”