Looking for resources other than travel support? Browse trusted resources for clinics, procedure funding, and emotional support below.

I Need an Abortion
Ineedana.com is a searchable, nationwide database of abortion clinics and abortion support resources.
NeedAbortion.org provides a directory of abortion providers, abortion funds, and other resources in English and Spanish.
All Options Pregnancy Support
All Options is an organization that provides pregnancy options counseling – parenting, abortion, adoption

Exhale Pro-Voice
Need to talk with someone about your abortion experience? Looking to support your partner, child, or friend after their abortion? Exhale Pro-Voice is a textline that offers after-abortion support.

Faith Aloud
Faith Aloud offers compassionate and nonjudgmental pregnancy counseling from trained clergy and religious counselors. Faith Aloud’s specially trained counselors are clergy and religious counselors from a variety of faiths: Roman Catholic, Jewish, Unitarian-Universalist, Protestant Christian, and Buddhist.